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1,100 calories burned before work. BOOM!


I had about 20 magical minutes at the gym today where I was completely alone. It was wonderful. I took advantage of the alone time to practice my sweet dance moves while warming up on the treadmill.

Surprisingly, after hobbling around last night my knees feel fine today. I still stuck to the stationary bike after a 10 minute workout on the treadmill (No need to anger the workout gods) after being an idiot yesterday.

For a warmup I logged a measly .6 miles on the treadmill in 10 minutes, but followed it up with 11.37 miles on the bike in 50 minutes. That should help my goal of walking/running/biking more miles than I drive this week. So far I have logged 31 miles at the gym vs. 34 driving. I would be ahead of the game if I hadn’t been called into work twice after hours… grrrrrr.

Overall I burned about 1,100 calories before even going in to work today, not too shabby! My Anytime Health app was happy with me 🙂

Picture 3

I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but I have a feeling that if I keep going the way I have been this week, this could be a big number week for me. Fingers crossed!

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